Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Commands Continued..

DEB packages (Debian, Ubuntu and like)

dpkg -i package.deb install / upgrade a deb package
dpkg -r package_name remove a deb package from the system
dpkg -l show all deb packages installed on the system
dpkg -l | grep httpd show all deb packages with the name "httpd"
dpkg -s package_name obtain information on a specific package installed on system
dpkg -L package_name show list of files provided by a package installed on system
dpkg --contents package.deb show list of files provided by a package not yet installed
dpkg -S /bin/ping verify which package belongs to a given file

APT packages updater (Debian, Ubuntu e like)

apt-get install package_name install / upgrade a deb package
apt-cdrom install package_name install / upgrade a deb package from cdrom
apt-get update update the package list
apt-get upgrade upgrade all of the installed packages
apt-get remove package_name remove a deb package from system
apt-get check verify correct resolution of dependencies
apt-get clean clean up cache from packages downloaded
apt-cache search searched-package returns list of packages which corresponds string "searched-packages"

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