Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Merging n PDFs to one under Linux

For Linux a tool is available known as pdfmerge. With this tool you can merge many small pdfs into one large PDF. Its a command line tool.

Its syntax is as follows -

$ pdfmerge file1.pdf file2.pdf ... fileN.pdf outfile.pdf

The last argument (.pdf) is taken as the output file and the rest as input.

There is not limit on the no. of PDFs you can merge.

Download it from

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

how to run mp3 in fedora?

I’ve tried a number of tutorials, steps and guides - the following tutorial is almost certainly not the only way to get MP3s playing, but it’s the one that worked for me, with the least hassle.

1.Start by clicking Applications and then select Add/Remove Software.

2. When prompted for your root password, enter it and click OK.

3. Select Applications from the left column, and then Sound and Video from the right column. Make sure to place a check in the Sound and Video entry. Click the Optional packages button.

4. Scroll down to xmms - version number - The X MultiMedia System, a media player and place a check in the box next to it. Click Close.

5. Back at the Package Manager window, click Apply. A Package selections window will appear - click the Continue button.

6. Don’t be surprised (or worried) if an “unable to verify” window appears. Just click Install anyway.

7. After a while, you should get a Software installation successfully completed window. Click OK.

8. Locate an MP3 on your hard drive, right-click it and select Properties from the menu.

9. Select the Open With tab at the top, and select Audio Player from the list of applications. Then click Close.

10. Now you’ll have to fire up your web browser and head to On this page, scroll down a bit to the XMMS MP3 Plugin for Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core section, and download the file titled xmms-mp3-1.2.10-16.i386.rpm. Don’t worry that it’s labeled as a file for Fedora Core v4 - it should work with any version of Fedora higher than 4 (for me it worked in 6). Once its finished downloading, double-click it.

11. Again you’ll be prompted for your root password. Enter it in the space provided and click OK.

Click Apply to install the package.

13. Once it has completed installing, locate an mp3 and double-click it. Ta-da! You can now listen to all your MP3s in Fedora.

Now Enjoy listening MP3 songs on Fedora too..:)

How to read NTFS (Windows NT/2000/XP/2003) drives in Fedora?

For this purpose you just need to install ntfs-3g program :)

you can install by just running these 2 commmands..

1. Open terminal and become super (root) user by su
2. then run this command:- yum install ntfs-3g

Now you can read NTFS drives. Enjoy!!